RC#1 -Saturdays It's Saturday morning. There will be no glamour shots for Me Made May 15. I'm up. I have coffee. That's enough. ( I am wearing a me-made from a bazillion years ago though) This is the old Textile Studios Marseilles top pattern. I love this top. I have only made it a couple of times, but it is super comfortable and although I think it is pretty blah, I get compliments on it a lot. Heck, my daughter even said she liked it and that's something I don't hear much regarding my clothing choices from her. *OK, I just read that. Glamour shots? Really? Sorry, you won't be seeing those on this blog - LOL!
RC#2 Flowers. I love flowers. I think they are beautiful. I think I'm allergic to them. :-(
Yesterday my wonderful husband sent me flowers at work. Since it was Friday, I did not want to leave them in my classroom all weekend, so I put them in my car. Well, after work I had to go to Visalia, go to the pharmacy, pick up my husband (he's been out of town all week), go to JoAnns (99c Simplicity patterns- but I still couldn't get the one I wanted to replace in my size), and go to the copy shop. After that, we went out to dinner and then to the grocery store. 45 minute drive after all of that. By the time I got home, I could hardly breathe. This morning, my eyes are like giant puffballs. (see picture above) I'M NOT COMPLAINING - it was so sweet of DH to send flowers. I just think I can't drive around with them in my car for several hours!

I also recently purchased the Megan Neilsen Cascade Skirt Pattern. Now, I've already paid $12 for that pattern, if I take that to the copy shop, I'm going to be paying $25 for a skirt pattern that is very similar to a Simplicity pattern that I just bought for 99c!
I'm hoping that some of you with more experience than me in digital patterns can depart some of your great wisdom with me on this issue! PLEASE!
Hi, I don't mind taping PDF patterns together. Just do it on my cutting table. Some folks then trace the pattern, but I just use the taped pattern. I've done this many times. Just don't be afraid. Yes, it takes a bit of time, but works for me. Good luck!
My thoughts about digital patterns: So many independent new digital pattern companies are doing really basic patterns. I won't pay high prices for independents when I can get the same look from a big 4 pattern for cheap. I do like StyleArc, Lekala, and some Burda Style digital patterns and will buy them from time to time.
I agree @BeckyMc. So many of the newer independents are super basic and I don't see the fit or drape like you might get with some of the older independents like Loes Hinse or Peggy Sagers. I guess that's why this is one of the first digital experiences I've had to deal with :-)
This is coming from a college business instructor who sews quite a bit. If an independent pattern design is almost identical to a big 4 pattern available, I refuse to pay the high price just to support an independent designer to whom I have no ties. Nothing against them--it just does not make sense for me to spend money unwisely. If I were planning to open a business, good marketing sense demands that I recognize the competition and my ability to compete with them in the current market and price structures. I cannot expect customers to support my business if I am not offering anything unique or if I am not offering the same thing already available at a better price. I see a lot of support for independents, and that is perfectly okay for those who choose to do so--I am not trying to put anyone down who does so. However, businesses thrive or go broke in the real market place based on competition and demand which ultimately drives prices or causes businesses to close if they cannot compete. Having said that, there are some Style Arc and other Indie patterns that are well drafted, and I have purchased a few of those and will continue to do so when I cannot find a pattern that is similar or identical from a cheaper source. There are simply other ways I choose to spend discretionary income. Good luck on your mission trip! I would love to join a trip such as the ones you are doing some day.
This is coming from a college business instructor who sews quite a bit. If an independent pattern design is almost identical to a big 4 pattern available, I refuse to pay the high price just to support an independent designer to whom I have no ties. Nothing against them--it just does not make sense for me to spend money unwisely. If I were planning to open a business, good marketing sense demands that I recognize the competition and my ability to compete with them in the current market and price structures. I cannot expect customers to support my business if I am not offering anything unique or if I am not offering the same thing already available at a better price. I see a lot of support for independents, and that is perfectly okay for those who choose to do so--I am not trying to put anyone down who does so. However, businesses thrive or go broke in the real market place based on competition and demand which ultimately drives prices or causes businesses to close if they cannot compete. Having said that, there are some Style Arc and other Indie patterns that are well drafted, and I have purchased a few of those and will continue to do so when I cannot find a pattern that is similar or identical from a cheaper source. There are simply other ways I choose to spend discretionary income. Good luck on your mission trip! I would love to join a trip such as the ones you are doing some day.
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