'I, Nancywin of www.encue.blogspot.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one thing I have made each day for the duration of May 2015'
I started a day late, and I'm posting even later! I haven't done Me Made May for a while, but I'm glad I stumbled onto it again this year. It is really making me realize that most of my "me-made" clothes are pretty old! School has gotten so demanding that it seems like I rarely have time to sew. And now that I watch my grand daughter a couple of nights a week, that cuts into it even more! (But I love having her, of course)
So, I missed the first day, but here is what I have worn on the other days.

Day 4: This little top I made from Simplicity 1806. I'd like to make it again, but I think I accidentally gave it away. It has princess seams and fits pretty well.
The skirt is a favorite from 2451. I'll definitely be making this again because I love that it has pockets!
Day 5: This is CJ Patterns boatneck top. I love this top and you'd never know it was in the pattern because the envelope only shows the jacket. It's in the same envelope as the boyfriend blazer. I haven't made that, but the pattern is worth it just for the top for me.
Day 6: This is another Simplicity pattern. Hmmm.. I've never thought of myself as a big fan of Simplicity patterns, but apparently they are among my favorite things to wear!!
Anyway, this is the Lisette pattern 2209. I think it is OOP now though. This is a great dress. The darts come from the waist up at angles. I used a stretch woven, so it's super comfortable.
I would have to say that I wear something I've made almost every day, but there are definitely days that I don't. Usually Fridays in particular since we all wear jeans and our school jersey on that day. Right now I don't have any jackets that I've made, so that's out. I better think of something fast since tomorrow is Friday! No time to "whip out a pair of jeans" for that!
Nice catch up and nice to see you back.
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