A couple of weeks ago, I saw that Deepika had posted about the Becca Bag on Pattern Review. I decided to order the pattern just because I wanted to learn the zipper technique! I'm glad I did and it was worth the $10 for the pattern. It was f un to make the bag, so I decided to make them for the ladies in my bible study and a couple of other friends. I've made quite a few so far and I think I'll be making more.
The outside of this bag on the left is made of linen, and the lining is left over quilting cotton from a dress I made a couple of summers ago.
The instructions were very good and I got the zipper technique right on the first try. The biggest problem I had with these bags is that I kept forgetting to sew in the tab before sewing the side seams. I think I did that on at least 3 of the bags! Then I had to rip out the side seam, insert the tab, and re-sew and overcast the seam. Even with my mistakes, it only took me 3 days to make all of these bags.
The Becca Bag is not a pattern per say. It is a clearly written set of instructions with pictures for each step. The instructions are given for 2 different sizes. The larger bag uses a 22" zipper and the smaller bag uses a 14" zipper. You only use 1/2 of the zipper plus a small piece of the other half.
This set is for my friend Sylvia who loves all things Americana

This music bag, I made for my voice teacher. She is in her eighties and definitely the "old Hollywood" type. She has also been an and agent for some famous peeps. Anyway, I lined hers with a coat lining and it makes it a little more "luxurious".

As you can see, this pattern is easy to create in different fabrics to fit different personalities

I have made a few other Lazy Girl designs and they're always fun with different techniques. I definitely see more of these in my future!