Sunday, June 21, 2009

Amazing choir (Perpetuum Jazzile) uses there hands to stimulate storm

At first you may think your volume is not working, but keep watching


BConky said...

How fun. Thanks.

Jules said...

Creative thinking never cease to amaze me. Thanks for posting this.

gwensews said...

Amazing! Who woulda' thought?

Meg said...

Thanks for sharing tha clip, I have actually sent it my daughters choir teacher. I can see them winning this years eistddeford with that one!

Maureen said...

Very Cool!

Rhoto said...

Soooo very cool!! How did you download from YouTube?? We don't see a listing for Blogspot anymore :(...
Thank you for sharing!!
Warm greetings,
Rhonda in Montreal (PR)

designdreamer said...

Now that is totally cool! said...

I've done this with groups of kids as a way to fill time and practice following visual cues, etc. I've never done the thunder, though. That's an excellent use of noisy risers and stage lighting!

Vocal jazz choirs always crack me up, though. The "jazz hands" the women do during the chorus, for example.