Version one of this blouse is finished! I'm pleased with the result (wearing it now) but can still see a few tweaks that I would like to make. I think it looks great on, but every time I look at the pictures, all I can see is wrinkles and draglines! I wore the blouse all day and it's very comfortable, even though I usually don't like anything on my arms like elastic. I think the next time I make it, I will put a band at the bottom of the sleeve rather than doing the casing and elastic.
I messed up on the button holes because I marked them on the band, lengthened the band, and didn't adjust the buttonholes. Normally this wouldn't matter because I ALWAYS mark the top and bottom buttonhole and then use the simflex to mark the others. For some weird reason, I didn't do that this time. I got 3 buttonholes made out of 6 (now 7) before I discovered my mistake. Fortunately, I was able to correct it without too much noticeability, but next time I will make sure I do it right. Also, next time I am going to add 1/2" to each side seam at the bust. I haven't decided yet whether to add just to the front, or to the front and back. I'm trying to evaluate whether the side seam needs to move or not.
I'd like to make this again right away, and have some asian print cotton that I would like to use. I have some beautiful fabric that I want to make the longer sleeved version with, but want to get the fit a little better in the front first...
You can see more pictures here. Next time I will also take pictures of the front pieces, since it has an unusual dart seam.

too much fun to play with and this is what I made using words from my blog. It was pretty fun, and it could really be a time sucker if you're like me and want to try every combination possible! I don't know why it copies small. Even though I saved it as a PDF and converted it to a JPG, it saves small on the blog, even though it is bigger on my computer.
And, I couldn't resist not putting this as a parting shot on my blog today.
Oh, and BTW, is anyone else having this problem? I used to be able to adjust the size of pictures in the compose mode of blogger by just clicking and dragging. Now I can't seem to do that anymore.
I think the blouse looks great. The drag lines etc appear to just be the fabric clinging to your curves.
I really like the blouse, and I especially like the sleeves.
I think your blouse looks great and will be fab in heaps of other fabrics. FWIW the elastic sleeve detail is really sweet and a nice change to the multitude of puff sleeves and cuffs around. Congratulations on the first of many successes with the pattern.
Very cute blouse - I think it looks fine, you had worn it all day. The buttonhole thing is not noticeable, and I can totally see those sleeve with bands instead of elastic.
Super cute parting shot!
Nancy, that's a really cute blouse. Perfect for work or more casual wear! Are you beginning to love BWOF yet?
The back really fits nicely. Good job! Funny how your drag lines don't bother me like mine bother me. I didn't even notice any until I read the text.
Such a cute little blouse! I look forward to seeing more of them.
That blouse rocks! I'm totally impressed. The buttonholes don't show, if that helps...
Wow, you were fast getting this one done! I love it - the sleeves are my favorite part!
Nancy, you look positively radiant in your lovely white blouse, and with your new haircut!
I love that blouse. The sleeves are so becoming.
I like the blouse too. The buttons look fine to me. One is right at the bust point (where most books tell you to put one to prevent a gap there).
The photos on your friend's blog are awesome. I love that type of scenery.
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