OK, it hasn't been a full month, but it is the start of a new month. So far, I am loving the bullet journal. I thought I would recap what I love about it and how it is working for me.
Here is my last post on how to set up the bullet journal.
You can also see the "official video and info" at bulletjournal.com
- I'm loving that this is an All-In-One place for everything
- The portable size - It's big enough to write and draw and keep track of everything, but small enough and light enough to fit in my purse
- I'm finding it very helpful using the bullet journal symbols and system. It is really helping me keep track of what I have accomplished and what I still need to do. I'm finding that I'm not "forgetting" about things I need to do.
- I didn't think I would like having all the dates in list form, but I really do like it. I color in the weekends so that I can easily see a week at a glance. I use the calendar pages for future months, but this works for me as I am in the current month

- Simplicity. The journal can be as utilitarian or creative as you like.
- Book mark! OK, it didn't come with a book mark, but it does come with a ribbon to hold your place. That wasn't working well enough for me, so I added a book mark with a little washi tape. I like how it sticks out and keeps my place, but now it won't get lost because it is taped in.
Cons: well, there aren't any really, except for the fact that now I have a new Washi tape habit LOL!
Finally I think I have found a system that is really working for me. It is not so regimented that I cannot stick with it, but it is structured enough that it helps me stay organized. I think I'll be loving this for a while!
Quite an interesting concept. Though I'm retired, I'm still making to-do lists. I'll definitely consider this method. Thanks!
Thanks for sharing, this is right up my alley. I went out a bought a journal and started. My desk is cleared of lists now.
The first link where you blogged about it before does not link for me, I wonder if it is a private post?
Becky, scroll down a few posts and you should find it
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