Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Endless Combinations

I'm still working on the Endless Combinations, but this is what I have so far. I'm still hoping to complete the following items before the end of the month, but we'll see. I still have some Christmas sewing to do. (I'm thinking of making those cute pjs in this months BWOF for DD.)

black wool pants
eggplant colored twin set
taupe dress -OR
gray pants and jacket.

Hi hopes, low time. We'll see what happens


Carolyn (Diary of a Sewing Fanatic) said...

I like what you've made soooo far! Very, very nice!

Meg said...

Ditto what Carolyn said. And I like your photo collage.

Birgitte said...

What a great wardrobe you have so far! I envy your speedy output- I'm soooo slow at the moment...