Saturday, March 05, 2016

The Sewing Workshop Ann's Top

A few years ago I bought the Ann's Cardigan and top from The Sewing Workshop.  (Well, I probably bought it on Pattern Review)

I bought this pattern to make the cardigan, and I still want to do it.  I was looking for a pattern to use a for a high-low tank, and ran across this in my pattern stash.  It wasn't what I was looking for, but decided to give it a shot.  I had some pink rayon knit that I've never known what to do with, so I used it to try this out.

I probably needed to go down a size in the neckline because it seems a bit shapeless on me.  The pattern is designed to have unfinished edges, but I decided to do a shell finish edge on the neckline.  My sewing machine has a stitch that does this, so that made it easy.
Ann's Top
On this version, I left the tails unfinished, and I like the look.Ann's Top

Ann's Top
The whole reason I picked this pattern was because I had something in mind that I wanted to do with a woven.  Unfortunately, this took some extra work and the result was not as good as I expected.  I turned under the edges twice all the way around and stitched them down.
Ann's TopAnn's Top

UntitledThis top may work with a belt, but it won't work for the combination I had in mind. The fit came out OK, but if I were to do this again in a woven, I would need to do a major sway back alteration, or maybe start the slits up higher. Also, I would like to find a better way to clean finish the edges of those points on the hem. But, with all the sewing projects I have lined up, I don't see that happening. If I make this again, I will stick to a knit.


  1. The pink top looks nice and the edge stitching you did on the white is very neat! I like the new haircut.

  2. You sound disappointed while I think this is absolutely lovely.

  3. I like both tops!


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