Sunday, February 28, 2016

I've been home for almost two weeks from Uganda, but am just now back on regular time!  I don't usually get jet lag this bad, but for some reason this year it hit me!  I have so much to say, but a picture is worth a thousand words, so I will just show you some of what we did.

 Working with the women from the village is always my favorite part of the trip.  It is also the most difficult since there is more of a language barrier.  However, there is nothing that can match their sweet spirit.
This year we worked on hand sewing and embroidery.  They loved it.

This is Phyllis. She is from a village I have not yet visited.  Can you believe she is 35?  I thought she was 15!!!  Her husband is in seminary and also working as a pastor.   She was so much fun.   I'm looking forward to seeing  her again.

Some of these ladies I have worked with many times before, others were new this year.  We had a wonderful time and built new friendships while strengthening older ones.  They were very proud of the hats they made. 

While we were in the city, many of the women we worked with lived in the slums.  This is just one of the slums that we visited.  They are everywhere in Uganda.

 At the end of our trip we were able to have a little R&R.  We took our host couple on a boat trip and safari.  It was a much-needed get away for them (and for us too!)

1 comment:

  1. Bless you for doing this. It must be great to share sewing and other kinds of handycraft with these women.


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