Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Best Laid Plans (or How to Get Your Wife to Want to Kill You)

I had so much enthusiasm today - I knew I was going to finish that dress!  Well, unfortunately, my sewing room is also the home of the litter box.  There was some litter on the floor, so I asked my husband to bring in the shop vac so I could clean it up.  My husband has had the brilliant idea lately of cleaning out the fireplace with the shop vac.  You might guess where this is going.  Said husband comes into the sewing room and turns on the shop vac. Tragically, he has the hose in the WRONG hole and it is set to BLOW.  NO, he did NOT clean out the shop vac after the last time he cleaned the fireplace.  Well, he will not have to now since all of the soot and ash have shrouded my entire sewing room!!  I cannot believe this just happened!  I've spent the last hour and a half cleaning and mopping.  No, I'm not in the mood to sew anymore.  I'm just frustrated!


  1. Don't kill him! To err is human ……… you know the rest!

  2. Someday, many years from now, this will be remembered with humor. So don't kill him. Just be patient for a few years.

  3. If he's still breathing you're a better person than I am! ;)

  4. YIKES! This was not a good day!as

  5. Not good at all!!!!!

  6. OMG, you have earned a free shopping trip to the fabric store.

  7. So not a good day! Did it get on your fabrics as well?

  8. This must be why my husband's shop vac is one way only. Yikes, this cold mean dinner out for a month.


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