Sunday, May 12, 2013

MMM13 day 12 - Happy Mother's Day!

Today is Mother's day.  It was also my turn to sing at church (Our worship teams rotate out every 4 weeks.)  Unfortunately, I've had a headache all day, so now I'm getting ready to rest a bit and see if I can't get rid of it!
Wore one of my favorite knit dresses today, Vogue 8553.  I was surprised when I looked it up that I made it over 2 years ago.  I was thinking that I made it last year!  I guess it really is time to make some new clothes.  I will have to make this one again, because it is super comfortable, easy to wear, and flattering I think.
I've made it almost half the month wearing something Me-Made every day!

1 comment:

  1. That is a lovely dress!!! Truly looks very spring/summery and flattering fit on you!


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