Saturday, June 12, 2010

Not Quite Finished

I was hoping to finish the dress this evening because we are leaving for San Diego tomorrow. If I weren't singing at church, I could probably finish it in the morning. Oh well, when I get back. The neck facing is sewn in and under stitched, but still needs hand work. I just need to do the sleeves and the hem. I really like the fabric on this. It is a heavier weight cotton (& I think Lycra blend). I didn't mark the changes in length above the bust correctly, so I had to make 1/4" shoulder seams. The fabric was fraying at that seam before I could even finish the edge, so I pressed the seam open and laid a narrow strip of fusible interfacing on top of it. This will keep the edges of the seam from fraying and give a little extra stability to the shoulder seam. Most of that will be covered up by the neck facing.

I'll be anxious to get back and finish the dress.

Well, I'm sick of being fatter than ever and none of my clothes fitting right. Today I went back to weight watchers. I want to lose about 13 pounds. Also, we just got Wii Fit and have been having a blast playing it. In fact, DD is yelling at it right now :-) When I was in Uganda I had an accident and tore a ligament in my right knee. It is still giving me trouble, so I have to be careful about what exercises I do. The other day I was riding my bike and it popped out on me, so, I have been hesitant to do that either. I have an appt to get a second opinion next week.

DH has a business trip in San Diego this week, so I am tagging along. I'm hoping to find some good fabric stores to haunt while he is working. I also have a couple of good books I want to read while I'm there.


  1. enjoy the trip. Your dress is beautiful.

  2. Love the dress and I can see why you are keen to finish it. I would love to have a wii fit so I am very jealous, but sorry to hear about your knee!

  3. Cute dress. It's very summery, cool looking, and I imagine the color will be fabulous on you with your dark hair.

  4. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Lovely dress, the fabric is gorgeous. I can't wait to see the finished article.

  5. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Lovely dress and the fabric is gorgeous. I can't wait to see the finished article as I have this pattern in my stash.

  6. A week with no chores and good books and a fabric store? It must be heaven!!

  7. It's looking really pretty! I keep walking past this print at JoAnn's and touching it. I bought a couple other of their jacquards but now that I see it made into a garment I have to have some. Sorry to hear about your knee!

  8. I absolutely love how this dress is turning out and beautiful fabric, too. I need to get in the mood of sewing.

  9. I hope your leg feels better soon... That dress is gorgeous - I LOVE the fabric...

  10. That fabric is so pretty! It suits the dress perfectly.

  11. I love that fabric! That dress is going to look gorgeous on you.

  12. I love, love, love the fabric you choose for this dress! Hope you get to finish it up soon and enjoy San Diego!

  13. For being such a big city, San Diego has remarkably few fabric stores. I couldn't believe it when I moved there--even West Palm Beach, FL had more! I do, however, recommend Yardage Town stores--they have sections of greatly reduced fabrics where you can sometimes find good stuff. Lots and lots of cottons and blends. I would also recommend Jane's Fabrique in La Jolla--lots of high-end stuff, not good for my budget! There are a few others, but I haven't been to them. Have fun in San Diego! I had to move north because of expense, and I miss it terribly.

    Gail D.

  14. Thanks for the tips, Gail. I'll have to check them out!

  15. Sorry to hear about your knee issue Nancy.....does it help to know that I've put on 10 lbs. playing computer games on Facebook?

    (how embarrassing!)

  16. cute summer dress!

  17. What a great dress - you'll look fabulous in this! Have a great trip!

  18. BEAUTIFUL! I have that same fabric and you just made me want to cut it lol.


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