Sunday, May 02, 2010

Why Didn't I get Any SEwing Done this Weekend?

Because we spent our weekend working in the yard. Last year I planted a garden, but had minimal success. First of all, I do not have much room and second, our dirt was like a rock. Then, last year I heard about Square Foot Gardening. I was so interested, that I decided to order the book. While I was in Africa, Andy had someone make the wooden beds for us and then last weekend, they brought them over for us. I had told Andy about the soil mixture I wanted in the boxes, and when I got home form an event last weekend, the boxes were in place and filled. Unfortunately, they were not in place exactly where I wanted them and they had not put weed cloth underneath them. So, this weekend, we emptied the boxes and moved them. We made several trips to the hardware store getting plants, drip supplies, seeds, boards for the dividers, and other miscellaneous items. Today we got the plants in, but I still have some seeds to plant. I'm really pleased with how they turned out. Later this week we are going to put up trellis net and braces behind one of the boxes for tomatoes, cucumbers and beans.

So, as much as I wanted to get some sewing done this weekend, it once again, did not happen. I am planning though, and this is what I'm hoping to use next to make a pair of pants, top and jacket. I've had the navy fabric and the boucle for so long that I no longer have the cards that tell the fabric content. The navy fabric is probably some kind of polyester blend, and the boucle feels like maybe a cotton and rayon blend. I haven't decided whether I will line it yet or not. I'm going to make the Loes Hinse Bolero Jacket and the pants will be another pair of the Oxford Pants.


  1. I really like those raised beds -- it's going to look lovely!

  2. I love the idea of square foot gardening. I jsut bought the book at Amazon. I am going to give it a try

  3. We've had great success with the square foot gardening method. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun.

  4. You may not have had an opportunity to sew but you are going to have wonderful flowers and grow some vegetables. I would say that both of those are worthwhile things! You will get to the sewing!

  5. Anonymous11:12 AM

    I wish I was this motivated.

  6. Box gardening sounds easier than regular gardening. You'll have to keep us posted to see how it goes.I love those fabrics .Navy seems to have become an obsession for me lately!

  7. I can't wait to see your new outfit - those fabrics look springy and perfect!


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