Friday, January 01, 2010


One of the things I want to incorporate into my SWAP is a little Sashiko. Sashiko is kind of like embroidery done with only running stitches. You can see a tutorial here. I first got interested in Sashiko when I read the book Sashiko Inspirations. I decided to get a kit while I was in Hawaii to help me get a better idea of stitch size and the feeling of the thread and needle.

My original idea was to incorporate this panel into one of the sections of the skirt I am making for the swap, but I think I may go back to one of the more traditional sashiko designs. I have not found sashiko thread in my area, but you can also use embroidery floss or pearl cotton. Sashiko thread has a duller sheen than the other two. I lost my needle at our resort, but found one in a pack of needles I had at home that was almost exactly the same. Any needle with a large enough eye and a sharp point will due. I did preshrink the thread because it is 100% cotton and I'm sure it would shrink. The preprinted design is great because it is water soluble ink and it flakes off with your fingernail, so you can "erase" it as you go. I'm almost done with this design now and am already thinking about what design I will now use on the skirt. I will probably use something similar to one of the designs shown below.

image from


  1. What a lovely idea! I can't wait to see how you incorporate it into a worn piece.

  2. I can't wait to see how you incorporate this into your swap.

  3. I don't comment on the blogs I read often, but want you to know I have been lurking for awhile. Let me say that this is so cool. I've got to try it, too. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I have always wanted to try sashiko - I look forward to seeing how you use it in your SWAP.

    So glad your Maui trip turned out okay despite all the hassles!

  5. On pretty! I love sashiko. It will look great. I have bought sashiko thread from equilter. Happy New Year!

  6. Me too, I love sashiko. Eager to see the finished product.

  7. yes looks very nice, its going to be cool on a real garment

  8. I can't wait to see how you incorporate it into a worn piece.

    Work from home India

  9. Nancy, if I did a different bamboo embroidery on a tee shirt as part of my 'Botanical Gardens' Collection, would you feel I had stolen your idea? or just flattered that you had inspired another person?


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