Friday, November 27, 2009

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We just had the family and one of DDs friends, but it was lots of fun. Brother and SO came over earlier and we ate quiche (Marie Callendar's), cranberry scones and lattes and played games. It was a nice way to start the day. That's cranberry butter you're seeing on the plate, and it's really yummy. This recipe made about 16 scones.

We have been spending a lot of time lately working on cakes, and we've been making lots of flowers. I can't tell you how many hours we spent making all these flowers, but it was really fun.

This only represents half of the flowers we made. We made roses, rose buds, apple blossoms, chrysanthemums, pansies, african daisies, primroses, violets, and daffodils.

My favorite are the pansies.

I found a recipe for a pumpkin cake and did that. And here is the finished product!

We're pretty proud of our cakes :-)

Today I am planning on finishing another pair of pants. I would have finished them last night, but I could not find the back yoke facings. The time I spent looking for those things, I could have cut out another pair. I am doing that this morning and finishing the pants. I always get a little wrinkle under the butt on pants, and this months Threads magazine had an article on how to fix that. I can't wait to try them on completely finished and take a picture to see if it really fixed the problem. I'll keep you posted!


  1. All these flowers and cake look awesome. Very nice.

  2. WOW! You cake is beautiful.

  3. That is an AMAZING cake! Those flowers are incredible. How do you make cranberry butter? it looks delicious

  4. Easy and yummy. !/2 cup butter, 1/4c chopped cranberries and a couple of TBS powdered sugar. mix it together in a mixer or by hand.

  5. Wow, that cake looks amazing! Good enough to eat Lol :-))

    Your pants look good too - great that you managed to find a fix for the fitting issue you had - I am still working on that.

  6. Oh, all those flowers on wax paper squares - they bring back a lot of memories. My mother took cake decorating classes when I was in the 7th grade. She made a bunch of flowers one day and pushed them all to the center of the dining room table so that our sheltie wouldn't get them while my mother was gone to pick us up from school. When we returned, we found the dog with wax paper squares stuck to her face and some flowers missing. Hmmm . . .

    The trousers look good. I like the fabric choice - especially for teaching. It is nice to be able just to toss that stuff in the wash!


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