Saturday, June 13, 2009

Paisley skirt

I finished the skirt. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to line the vent. I did something that worked, but it's not exactly right. I tried to follow the directions in the Easy Guide to Linings by Connie Long, and although it was very helpful, I just couldn't figure out exactly what to do at the end, so I just did my own thing. I'm not that pleased with it, but it's functional and will work well enough.

I hand stitched the lining to the vent and also to the zipper tape. The skirt is a little tight, so hopefully I'll lose a few pounds this summer and it will fit the way it is supposed to! It's not unwearable, just a little uncomfortable. Of course, my x-sister-in-law used to always tell me that she would wear too-tight clothes to remind her not to over eat!

Anyway, back to the skirt. And speaking of "back" I must say that I am pleased at the overall look of the matching of the design for the CB seam. It took me awhile to figure out how to do this, but it does look pretty good. You can see a better picture of it if you click on the composite at the top of the page and scroll over to the back view. If you match the pattern at CB, there is no way you are going to be able to match them at both side seams. In fact, you really can't match a design like this on curved seams because the curves distort the line up of the print. So, I didn't bother to even try to match it at the sides, and it looks OK.

Next up? Hopefully a white blouse to go with the skirt!
More Pix here.


  1. It came out great. I love that print.

  2. Okay, I don't normally go around saying this to people, however, I must say that skirt makes your butt look great!

  3. Wow, that is one fabulous skirt!

  4. What a great skirt ! I absolutely love the print & the colors.

    I think this bold print, pencil skirt thing is going to really take off. I've seen quite a few this weekend while catching up with my reading and have just paused this comment to pull out my one and only bold print fabric for consideration :-)

  5. Toooooooooo cute! I love your choice of fabric and I love that pattern, I've used it before.

  6. Cute skirt! I love the fabric, and it looks great in you!

  7. Awesomeness! Paisley, happy colors, what's not to love? Youl look great and your pleat is just fine. Sometimes you have to do whatever works.

  8. I love this preppy skirt. Who needs waistbands?!

  9. Nice skirt! The ladies have certainly started something here. I am inspired to make one too except it would be months before I could wear it. We'll see.


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