Sunday, May 03, 2009

The New Plan

Well, I finalized my new plan for the mini wardrobe contest.  I changed out 2 items because I knew I would not have time to make muslins for the dress and blouse.  Here is the new plan:
I've made the sleeveless blouse and pants before.  I have a few adjustments I am going to make on the blouse and I think I will widen the legs a bit on the pants.  I know a lot of you will remember that silk charmeuse from a while back.  In fact, I have seen this fabric in some of your linings and garments too LOL!  Anyway, I still plan on making the seersucker dress (let's see, I've been "planning" on making that since the issue came out!) and of course, the white blouse WILL get made - hopefully both in June.  I want to finish the above items as soon as I can since PR weekend is in 2 weeks, so that's one weekend of no sewing.  This week looks pretty busy, so I don't know how much I'll get done.  I had a migraine all day today, so didn't get any sewing done, but I did prewash the silk and iron the linen.  
It was a beautiful day today, so I took some pictures around the yard. You really must click on these to see how pretty they are :-)


  1. Great mini swap plan. Love the flowers.

  2. What a nice grouping of garments - can`t wait to see them come to life!

    Beautiful flowers!

  3. Oh, what a pretty silk! Those flowers are too gorgeous, too. I like this new plan, and glad to see you're going to save that lovely white fabric for the right blouse.

  4. Sounds like a plan! Your flowers are beautiful. I can probably kill anything that grows, except perhaps dandellions!


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