Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I'm very flattered to be nominated for The Kreativ Blog award by Diana and Charlene.  Also, a month or so ago I was nominated for a couple of awards from Birgitta, which I never posted on my blog.  It's always nice to be recognized and don't we all love it?  I mean, if we never got any comments, would we blog as much or as detailed as we do?  I'm so appreciative that all of you take the time to read my blog.  Also, I really appreciate all of you who share your skills, talents, tips, tricks, and more on your blogs.  I have learned so much and improved my own skills tremendously from what I have learned from all of you.
As for nominating other blogs, I know a lot of you have already been nominated, but I will have to take a little time and think about this one :-)

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