Friday, September 19, 2008

Wear a Dress day 5

Today is the last day of wear a dress week. Surprisingly, I had a few different dresses I thought about wearing today. These were the deciding factors. My stomach was sticking out too far for the Madison Avenue dress. The orange dress was too tight. I thought the wrap dress would be too warm, so this is what I wore. This is only the third time I've worn this dress. I really don't like it. At all. I'm not sure what it is about it, but I don't like the way it looks. I love the fabric and I love the cut of the skirt. I love the way it flows and flutters when I walk. It does look better with heels, but I stand all day on cement floors or concrete, so heels are out for me for work. Part if the problem of this dress is the color. There is not enough contrast and the color is weak, so it makes me look washed out unless I wear bright lipstick. The second problem is that the bodice is too large and the shoulders want to slide off of mine. This dress is the Textile Studios Barcelona Dress. I gave the pattern away after I made it. I might have made it again, but I have so many dress patterns that I'd like to try, that this won't make it back to the queue. I think it looks OK with the belt, and I'm sure I'd like it better in a more vibrant or darker color, but it is what it is (the fabric was from a FM bundle) so it was kind of an experiment.
So, wear a dress week is over now, and I'm glad I accepted the challenge. I've learned a few things about my closet from this exercise and now I need to make some more dresses! Thanks to Erin for posting the challenge


  1. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I have thoroughly enjoyed visiting your blog as you go through the "Dress a day week". I relate to visiting your closet and reevaluating your wardrobe. I have been doing that with mine as well. You have inspired me to get busy and do some sewing!

  2. I think you look beautiful.

  3. I love this dress, it's something I would wear. I loved that you could post daily your dresses. (That's probably not correctly worded, but I'm too tired) Even Mike walked past as I was reading and said, that's a pretty dress, why haven't you made one like that?

  4. Thanks for sharing these dresses and challenge. You really have nice dresses in your closet. I wouldn't make it, as I don't even have 5 dresses I think.

  5. You've done a great job rising to the challenge. All of your dresses look great on you, and you've learned a bit about your closet, too.

  6. Nancy - did any of your students notice that you had a dress on every day? And I feel like that every season...that there is a hole in my closet and I end up taking the season to sew things to make it work!!!

  7. I like this dress on you. I only wore a dress I made on Monday. I like you have gaps in my closest. Nice reading about your dress a day for the week.

  8. I think it's pretty on you! But maybe you prefer stronger colors? Now you know something about yourself and this can positively affect your future fabric choices when you make your next dress. My daughter has your coloring and she loves vibrant colors and doesn't wear pastels.

  9. Nancy,
    If you like the way the skirt hangs, make a skirt out of the dress. You have enough fabric in the bodice to make a narrow waistband (with seaming) and you can wear a top made of one of the colors in the fabric. Or you could change the color of the belt and trim to give it some oompf. The dress is lovely but if you are not comfortable in it, you will not wear it as you already know. Maybe it could be donated if you don't want to take the time to alter it.

  10. I would love to see you wear a kinda chunky red bead necklace with this dress. You already look so pretty in it - but with your coloring..that would be an ideal Spiff-it-up. Thanks for sharing it with us.


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