Thursday, August 28, 2008

A little gift

I made this little cupcake pincushion after I was inspired by ones I saw at Stacy Sews. She used a book called Warm Fuzzies, so of course, I went on Amazon and purchased the book. There are a lot of cute projects in the book, and they are all made from felted wool. I wanted to make a quick little thank you for my friend, Sandy, since she was kind enough to lend me her sewing machine. Now, where I live, you just don't find that many wool sweaters. We really only have 2 seasons here: summer and winter. Sweaters are cotton or acrylic. I won't say that no one wears wool, but it's hard to find in the stores, and so I'm thinking it will be just as hard to find in thrift stores. (Already went through that looking for a wool blanket to make an ironing board pad.) So, I turned to my local Michael's Craft store to see what I could find. I was looking for felt, but what I found was sheets of fleece. Now I like this idea because the fleece is thicker than the felt. The craft felt was just too flat - although it would be OK for the miniature cupcakes. I also needed some felted wool ribbing for the outside, so I went to JoAnns and got some cotton ribbing. I think it turned out pretty cute. I also added a washer to the inside of the bottom to add a little weight and to keep it upright. I did buy some brown and ivory felt to make a chocolate cupcake. I think if I use the felt in three layers, it will work.

I did work a little on my jacket last night. Oh, and let me clarify - the pattern number is 1945, it is not a style from the year 1945 - although, I guess it could be. I never asked Nancy how she came up with her pattern numbers, but maybe that has something to do with it!
Anyway, I did email Nancy Erickson with some fit questions and she was kind enough to give me some advice. Since my jacket was basted together, I took it apart above the waist, and cut all the pieces to a size smaller (10) above the bust. I also took an additional 3/4 inch off of each shoulder. Now, I think I may have inadvertently taken a little off the bust, because it seems more snug there than it was before, but I can easily let out a little at the middle front seam at the bust. I think I will baste the sleeves on and check the fit again before sewing them more securely. I also plan to put in shoulder pads (since I don't have shoulders) and that will change the fit as well.
I'm hoping to get some sewing done this weekend, although I'm not sure when I can squeeze it in. I have a hair appt on Sat. morning and then I have to go work in my classroom for a few hours. Sunday DH and I are taking an all day trip up to Sequoia National Park, and Monday afernoon we are having a BBQ. Sometime this weekend I also need to hit the grocery store, do laundry, and pay some bills. Yikes - I'm ready for June already!


  1. What a cute cup cake!
    Great idea for a gift!

  2. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Adorable!!! I love the fleece sheet idea - I wonder if our store carries them?


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