Saturday, March 01, 2008

New Wonder Drug

Conversation with daughter today:

DD: What are you looking for, Mom?

me: I'm looking for my beeswax.

DD: What do you need it for?

Me: It helps you sew better.

DD: So, you eat it?

. . . . . . . .

I'm off to go take my daily dose now so that I can really get going on my sewing.

(mind you, my daughter is 20)


  1. LOL!!!!

    The punch line is 'my daughter is 20'...

    Thanks for the chuckle!

  2. If I didn't know better....I'd swear Grace was a blonde :)

    (says the mother of a blonde!)

  3. LOL, that is too funny.
    I have 19 and 21 yo stepdaughters who might say exactly the same sort of thing.

  4. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Yup, I have a 20 yo dd, who possibly might say the same thing. Hmmmmm, do ya think we could get them a little more interested in sewing at this point?

  5. I'm wiping the Coca-Cola off my monitor now :) Thanks for the laugh.

  6. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Thanks for the laugh!

  7. Hee hee. I have one even better. I use beeswax to twist my hair. Those have been some funny conversations too.


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