Monday, January 28, 2008

God's Beauty

I live in a town of about 100,00 people in central California. I am lucky to live where I do because the cost of living is probably less than anywhere else in the state. We are about equidistant from LA to San Francisco and within a few hours drive to the coast or the desert. The mountains are only an hour away. The downside is that we are in a valley, and we have terrible smog. I love everything about living here except for the smog. But on clear days, you hope nobody comes here because everyone would want to move here! it is gorgeous.

I work in a smaller town (about 8,000) that is only about 15 minutes away from my house. Well, with the last storm we had, I had the treat of seeing this as I drove to work. It was breathtaking. (you must click on the picture to get a better view.)

My good friend Maureen took this picture.


  1. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Fabulous picture. With your friends permission, you should make it the header on your blog. :)

  2. Wow! Beautiful view! You are so lucky. I only live 10km from our city centre but our suburb is semi-isolated. Every day we drive in along the harbour. We've seen seals, penguins and dolphins. We regularly see white herons which are rare. There's nothing like a shot of nature's beauty to lift your day.

  3. Anonymous9:28 PM

    I love that picture. I too live in Cali and have been enjoying looking at the snow topped San Gabriel mountains nearby. Not nearly as great as your view though! I love the juxtaposition of the Orange trees in fruit with the snow in the background. Almost looks like someone photoshop-ed a florida view on a colorado one or something...

  4. Now, if I had known you were going to use it in your header I would've photoshopped it a bit more to make it prettier!!! ... maybe lightened up the ACTUAL orange trees in the foreground...

    I am honored you chose to use one of my photos on your blog Nancy...thanks!

  5. And if you want it to go all the way across, let me know. I actually cropped some off and I can send the whole pic on over!

  6. Anonymous10:58 AM

    What are the little specks of light in trees?

  7. Those little "specks" are California Oranges!


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