Sunday, December 23, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Well, not really at my house. Because I have been sick for the last two weeks, there are no decorations, and not even a tree. OK, I take that back, we do have a tiny table top tree, and that will have to suffice this year. I usually go all out (I think I have about 30 trees of various sizes) and decorate most of the rooms of our house. This year, I just couldn't deal with it. The other thing is, who will take it all down? Me, of course. And since we are leaving the day after Christmas to go on vacation, I made the executive decision not to do it this year. It wasn't really by choice, but out of necessity this time. I hope next year will be different.

But, all Scrooginess aside, now that I feel human again, I have been making some Christmas presents. I made one pair of flannel PJ pants for my son and am cutting out another tonight.

Yesterday I completed this bag for my daughter.

I made one almost exactly like it last year for a friend of hers, and she has been wanting one ever since. You can see more information on my review at PR.

I made a vest for my brother, and as soon as I get the buttons sewn on, I will take a picture of that. For his girlfriend, I made this jacket.

They are both (local) rock stars, so I figured these are things they can wear when they play. I also have a review for this at PR.

I want to get Nicks other PJ bottoms done tonight so I can make a dress for NY's eve. We are going to be in Maui, so I wanted something fairly casual, but glitzy at the same time. I am going to make the Madison Avenue dress (Textile Studios) out of a charcoal colored knit with glitter on it.


  1. I'm so jealous you made Christmas presents! Good job. Have a GREAT time on vacation. I'm also jealous of that:(. Make sure to take up knitting on vacation:) ha ha

  2. Wonderful presents, have a marvelous time on vacation. Lucky lady!

  3. You are amazing- all that while you were sick! Enjoy your vacation, relax and take some pictures for us.

  4. Very cute bag! I hope you're feeling better and that you'll have a wonderful vacation. I'm sure you will - anything tropical beats New England in my book.

  5. Beautiful purse! Don't worry about the decorations. Less to take down now!! Merry Christmas.

  6. Love the bag & your jacket! As for the decorations don't sweat it! won't want to have to take them all down when you get back! Have a fabulous time!


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