Tuesday, June 05, 2007

New Look

Many of you have noticed that I have a new look on my blog. Many thanks to Cidell for giving me the tip. One of my biggest frustrations (really the only one) with blogger is the fact that everything runs in a column down the middle of the page and everything else is blank on the sides. I liked the template I was using before as far as color and pattern, but wanted more space. The trick is to change the template. Go to "customize" and then choose to change the template. The only one that goes full page is called "stretch denim" It's pretty plain, but you can then select "change fonts and colors" and change the look there. I haven't played with the fonts yet, but came up with this color scheme. I hope its working. It looks good on my computer, but for some reason, things sometimes display differently on different computers. Again, thanks Cidell, and thanks Elaray for asking.


  1. thanks for the info! :)

  2. I love the new look of your blog. Thanks for the info. I didn't like the text down the center look either. I'll have to play and see what I can do.

  3. Your new lay-out looks very good. I still want to dig into the html code on my blog, to see if I can change the width without a complete change of the template. With all those pictures we use we need some space!

  4. One colums drove me insane! I think there is one more that is full column, I just can't remember it right now. I still need to play with my colors.

  5. Hey Nancy, I love the new look, especially the use of the full page. Too bad we can't do that on ALL the templates, seems silly to limit it to the middle column. I really like the look of mine other than the picture size. Maybe if Sigrid finds the secret to doing that without changing the template she will share with us....


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